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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Women's Group Disgusted by Mayo Clinic's Misinformation about Abortion-Cancer Link

?This Clinic Is Closed?

World Refugee Day: Retiree Gets Top Honor for 10 Years Volunteer Service to America's 'Forgotten'

Duke Rape Scandal Exposes the Racism of Blacks, Says Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Disabled Anhui House Church Pastor Formally Arrested for Printing Bibles and Christian Literature

Plan Your Child's School Year for 2006 - 2007 with the Newest Educational Resource: DiscoverChristianSchools.com

Kennedy Pleads Guilty to DUI; Public Advocate Calls for Ethics Probe

Prayer Vigil in Front of White House in Support of Mt. Soledad Cross and Religious Expression in the Public Square

Pro-Life Coalition Announces Capitol Hill Educational Event on Eve of Senate Stem Cell Research Funding Vote

Revelation Generation Invites Local Churches to Unite For Festival

Catholic Bishop Supports Right to Abortion?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rally at San Bernardino City Hall June 14 to Call for American Flag Display and Patriotic Parades

Remarks by the President to the Troops in Iraq

CWA's Swann Speaks on Flag Day at 'Protect the Pledge' Press Conference

Remarks by President Bush in Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq in Baghdad, Iraq

Blanco & Legislative Democrats Get DFLA's 'Gold-Star of the Week' For Passing Abortion Reduction Plan

Organization to Keep a Garden Display of the Ten Commandments Despite Threat of a Three Hundred Dollar a Day Fine and Loss of Property by Washington, D.C. Officials

Pro-Life Catholics to Tell U.S. Bishops: ?Stop Coddling Pro-Abortion Politicians?

Utah?s Parents, Teachers, and Legislators Defend Right to Keep Porn Out of Their Homes

Monday, June 12, 2006

CWA?s Chief Counsel Urges Senators to Act on Judicial Nominees

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Press Conference at South Rowan High School to Expose Homosexual Group's Agenda

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dictionary Counters 'Da Vinci' on Its Own Terms

8th Medical Organization Acknowledges Abortion-Cancer Link

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